How to Get Cheap Clicks in Google Ads

Getting in front of your target market is essential for any business, and Google Ads is one of the best ways to do that. But what if you're looking for the cheapest clicks possible? Is that really the best goal?

In this article, I'll show you how to get cheap clicks in Google Ads, but I'll also caution you against making it your top priority. Cheap clicks can be tempting, but they're not always the best value. If you're not targeting the right audience, or if your ads aren't relevant to their needs, you're likely to waste your money.

(Side note - I created this article if you don't don't know what a click is)

Google Ads has its pros & cons but typically the goal of your advertising account should be to maximize the conversion value you see at the lowest cost. But...

If you do need to get cheap clicks:

The first thing you can try to get cheaper clicks is to use the maximize clicks bid strategy and broad match keywords. This will help you get your ads in front of more people, and because the bids are automatically set, you don’t have to worry about maintaining manual bids. When the keywords in your campaign are set to broad match, you will be casting a wide net for reaching different search terms which can allow you to see a low CPC.

broad match keyword example in google ads

Another way to get cheaper clicks is by running dynamic search ads. These ads are generated based on the content of your website, so they’re relevant to what people are searching for and content that currently lives on your site. And since dynamic campaigns don’t rely on you manually inputting keywords, they’re typically a lot cheaper to run than traditional search ads (you'll show for a wide range of search terms). 

You can also turn optimized targeting ON in your display campaigns which expands beyond your normal targeting settings. This will help you get your ads in front of more people by targeting those who are likely to be interested in what you’re selling. 

Finally, you can use ad scheduling to run ads when the CPC isn’t as high or expand the location targeting in the campaign. These can be a great way to save money on your campaigns while still reaching a lot of people.

ad scheduling


By following these tips, you can start getting cheap clicks in Google Ads that will help you learn more about your target market and test different targeting options, but remember, cheap clicks aren't the goal!

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