How to See Any Website's Traffic

Gain an Edge over Your Business Competition

In the world of business, the phrase "if you're not growing, you're dying" rings truer than ever this year.

To thrive in the long run, understanding your customers is crucial, but so is keeping an eye on your competitors.

Case in point: Polaroid, once a photography market innovator, went bankrupt in 2001 due to its inability to adapt to changing technology, unlike its nimble competitors. Yikes!

Why Monitor Your Competition?

Keeping tabs on your competition is not just good practice; it's essential for any business. Monitoring what your competitors are doing helps you make smarter decisions, identify opportunities to improve, and stay one step ahead.

Taking the time to analyze competitors' offerings, pricing, marketing, and operations provides an invaluable benchmark to evaluate and enhance YOUR OWN business strategies and performance

Similarweb: My Favorite Website Traffic Estimator

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One of my favorite (free) SEO tools is Similarweb. It provides in-depth insights into any website's traffic and engagement. (In my opinion, it is the most accurate traffic estimation tool on the market.)

Several years ago, I was talking to a leader at a large e-commerce company. Before he could tell me anything about their site, I just asked if they had around 16 million monthly visitors. He was stunned! He couldn't believe I guessed their traffic so accurately without any hints from him. How did I guess so accurately? I used Similarweb.

By collecting data from various sources, including its user base and public platforms like Wikipedia, Similarweb paints a comprehensive picture.

With this knowledge, you can strategize effectively and help your business stay ahead of the game (Bonus: Here are my favorite tools to help with your PPC campaigns)

How to Get Your Website Traffic Estimates

To get started, watch my step-by-step video to see how you can take advantage of Similarweb's estimates. This will help you make smarter decisions, stay ahead of the curve, and ensure your business flourishes in the competitive landscape. 

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